Office of the Registrar
The Office of the Registrar at Caraga State University Cabadbaran Campus (CSUCC) plays a crucial role in managing student records and facilitating various administrative processes. Located in the Administration Building, this office is responsible for a range of functions essential to the smooth operation of the university.
Under the leadership the Campus Registrar, the office is divided into several key sections, but not limited to:
- Receiving Section
- Releasing Section
- Internal Coordination Section
- Processing Section
- Verification Section
- Records Section, and
- Reports Generation Section
The Office of the Registrar is the repository of Students Records, which are of highly important and delicate documents. It shall function in support of other academic units by fulfilling the mandate of maintaining and preserving the academic records of the students in the University. This function is bound particularly by the following fundamental services:
- Student Registration,
- Document Processing,
- Curricular Management,
- Student Evaluation, and
- Records and Data Management
The Caraga State University Cabadbaran Campus (CSUCC) Office of the Registrar envisions the provisions of excellent customer – centered services through the integration of secured and advance technologies in records management.
In its quest for service excellence, it shall be committed in:
- dispensing quality academic support service while strictly upholding the University and state policies; and
- maintaining the high level of confidentiality, security, accuracy, and integrity of student records.
In attaining the aforesaid vision and mission, it shall gear it efforts towards the:
- demonstration of proactive leadership and management in order to maintain pertinent international standards;
- delivery of efficient, reliable, and responsive services to its customers;
- implementation of state and University promulgated academic policies; and
- produce accurate and reliable student records pursuant to pertinent University policies and other state laws.
The Office of the Registrar is dedicated to achieving excellence in managing student records by integrating cutting-edge technologies that streamline processes. This includes automating registration and document processing to reduce wait times and improve accuracy. Additionally, rigorous data management practices will be employed to safeguard the confidentiality and security of sensitive information, ultimately fostering a trustful environment for students and academic units alike. Through these initiatives, the office strives to enhance customer satisfaction and support the university’s mission of service excellence.
The Office of the Registrar in Caraga State University Cabadbaran Campus (CSUCC) offers services to CSUCC students and alumni, including but not limited to the following:
- Release of Academic Records
- Withdrawal of Enrollment
- Outbound Cross Enrollment
- Student Leave of Absence
- Substitution of Courses
- Grade Completion
- Change of Grade
- Application for Graduation
- Generation of List of Candidates for Graduation
- Shifting of Program
- Enrollment
- Adding and Changing of Courses
- Student Reinstatement
- Validation of Courses
Office Frontline Transactions
The Office of the Registrar is composed of three (3) Frontline windows that serve students and walk-in customers daily. These windows operate distinct functions and schedules, and when the need and situation arise its functions and schedules might be interchanged and changed, respectively. However, the following schedules and functions are the default for the following windows:
The schedule of its operation is as follows: Mondays to Fridays, from 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM (with no lunch break), except on holidays and non-working days.
The annual academic calendar is prepared in accordance with the calendar issued by the Commission on Higher Education. The framework of the school calendar, including major activities of the State College, is approved by the Academic Council and details thereof shall be prepared by the Office of the Vice President for Academic Affairs and other offices concerned.
The Academic Year is divided into two semesters of at least 18 weeks or 54 semester hours, inclusive of class days and final examination periods. A summer session of six weeks, which is equivalent to one semester, follows the second semester.
All academic units of the State College (now the Caraga State University) operate by the semestral system. Unless otherwise provided, the first semester commences in June, the second semester in November, and the summer session in April.
In addition to the national and regional legal holidays, the State College (now the Caraga State University) also observes its Charter Day every November 11th (now December 16th) and its Proclamation Anniversary every February 14th of the year. Graduation days are treated as special holidays.
Make-up classes are held in lieu of class hours lost due to fortuitous events, such as typhoons and earthquakes.
Source: The Academic Calendar, Schedule and Size of Classes of Article 154 of Chapter 38, Sections 1-5 of the NORMISIST (now CSU) Code of 2007. [see: CSU Academic Calendar]
Office Telephone Desk:
Telephone calls with inquiries pertaining to transactions with the Office of the Registrar are initially handled by the Internal Coordination In-charge. General information is provided, and callers are forwarded to specific office personnel as the need arises.
The Internal Coordination In-charge may be reached at (085) 818-7459.
The schedule of its operation is as follows: Mondays to Fridays, from 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM (with no lunch break), except on holidays and non-working days.
Office Incoming Communications:
All communications, including memoranda, special orders, letters, and similar documents, must be submitted to the Internal Coordination Section of the Office of the Registrar.
For electronic communications, the same should be sent directly to
The Office of the Registrar shall not be responsible for requests made through unofficial arrangements.
The schedule of its operation is as follows: Mondays to Fridays, from 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM (with no lunch break), except on holidays and non-working days.
Office Facebook Page:
Announcements, Advisories, Reminders, and Schedules are posted regularly to the Office of the Registrar Official Facebook Page and its
The schedule of its operation is as follows: Mondays to Fridays, from 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM (with no lunch break), except on holidays and non-working days.
- 0928-4990100
- (085) 818-7459
Registrar Personnel