Caraga State University

Cabadbaran City Campus


Cabadbaran City Campus

ID Wearing Policy



A. ID Wearing Policy

The University considers the student Identification (ID) Card as an important component in the campus security system and is therefore non-assignable. It is every student’s obligation to help keep the campus safe for everyone by displaying his/her CSU ID visibly and clearly on his/her person at all times while inside the CSU premises.

A.1. The following habits are regarded as minor violations in the use of the ID:

1. Wearing the ID underneath ones’s clothing (shirt, jacket, etc.)
2. Carrying the ID inside a personal article, for example, a bag, notebook, or wallet
3. Wearing an ID that has not been validated for the current semester

A.2. The following practices are considered major offenses in the use of the ID (warranting a major disciplinary action)

A.3. It shall be the responsibility of the student to report immediately to the Office of the Student Affairs and Services (OSAS), the loss of his / her ID to avoid inconvenience.

A.4. A student who forgets to bring his/her ID to school must immediately secure a Temporary ID from the OSAS before they engage in any school activity. Failure to secure a temporary ID will put the student at risk of incurring an irrevocable ID-wearing violation when apprehended by campus security personnel.

A.5. A student who loses his/ her ID shall proceed to the OSAS to check if his / her ID has been recovered and reported at the Office. If the ID is not found after three (3) days, a student must apply for a replace-ment of ID. A student must follow the procedure in acquiring a new CSU ID card found in the Procedures Section.

B. ID Replacement

B.1. A student who shall apply for ID replacement shall pay:

1. P 150.00 – first replacement
2. P 300.00 – second replacement
3. P 450.00 – third and subsequent replacements

B.2. Damaged ID

1. A penalty of P 200 will be charged for IDs that are damaged through the negligence of the student
2. IDs damaged brought about by the normal wear and tear, like fading ink, will be replaced after payment of P 150.00

C. Procedure for Applying for the replacement of ID due to Loss or Damage

C.1. Submit a notarized Affidavit of Loss to the OSAS. A payment slip will be issued to the requesting student.

C.2. Pay the necessary amount at the Cashier’s office.

C.3. Present official receipt of payment to the OSAS. A temporary ID will be issued to the student until the new ID is available.

C.4. Pick up the new ID after 1 to 2 working days.